Already after the first session, you will feel a noticeable strengthening of the pelvic floor muscles.

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Why we use threads

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In recent years, various procedures have become established in the field of aesthetic medicine. The predominant treatments continue to be Botulinum toxin and dermal fillers, mostly out of hyaluron. Even though injection techniques continue to improve, there are limits to this therapy when it comes to tightening skin.

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Unpack, apply, and relax: nothing targets your skin as effectively and concentrated as the cloth masks from Croma-Pharma. Take a relaxing break and discover an exclusive spa experience at home.

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A treatment with PRP usually takes less than 30 minutes. Due to the use of very fine needles, there is rarely any bleeding. Since the treatment makes use of substances found in the body, it is as safe as it is effective.

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Pure HA

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With a silky, light texture suited for all skin types, the pure HA liquid face mask is the ideal addition to your skincare routine.
The moisturizing formula contains 1.8% hyaluronic acid, which lastingly improves skin elasticity.

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A beautiful, radiant, even skin tone is important to feel confident and comfortable in your skin. The elure™ skincare is a unique, clinically tested cosmetic line with a powerful, active formula that provides a gentle, safe, and effective solution to reduce dark sports. Its effect lasts approximately a year long.

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Think of Universkin™ as a premium, high-quality cocktail. An experienced, highly trained clinical staff member analyzes your skin and creates a unique combination of active ingredients – customized for you and your skin’s needs.

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saypha hyaluronic acid filler

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Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a natural component of our body and performs important functions, maintaining the moisture, firmness, and elasticity of the skin. We use saypha fillers from Croma-Pharma – because the highest quality and safety pay off when it comes to your skin.

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