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About Fraxel Laser

Factors such as excessive sun exposure, environmental factors, and stress can lead to wrinkles, scars and pigmentation disorders. The Fraxel® treatment offers a lasting solution for skin renewal and rejuvenation – without any surgical intervention. Through this, tens of thousands of tiny wounds are lasered into the skin, stimulating the deep layers of the skin to produce new tissue as part of the natural wound healing process.

The effect of the Fraxel® Laser is instant, with a visibly refined skin texture immediately after treatment. In the following months, a renewal of collagen makes the skin plumper and firmer.

Book an appointment online now

Key Facts:


Immediately visible refinement of the skin texture


4 treatments in 4- to 6-week intervals


30 minutes


from 495 to 825 EUR

Your advantages

No downtime

No pre- or post-treatment

Instantly visible results

The Fraxel-Dual-Laser is gentle on the epidermis

Post-Treatment Instructions

There is no downtime after treatment with a Fraxel®-Dual-Laser. The patient can leave the institute immediately after treatment.

  • No skin-irritating creams such as acne ointments or fruit acid creams in the first 3 days after treatment or until any accompanying symptoms (ie. redness, swelling) have subsided.
  • No shaving in the treatment area as long as the skin is irritated
  • No physical activity and/or sauna on the day of treatment
  • No solarium in the following weeks
  • Consistent, daily sun protection with SPF 50+


Fraxel Dual Laser – Face 825 EUR
Fraxel Dual Laser – Hals &
825 EUR
Fraxel Dual Laser – partial 495 EUR

Valid as of January 2021.
Subject to change.
All prices are subject to
Typographical and printing errors.

Good to know

The fractional laser gives the skin an intense impulse for skin renewal. The individual beams, which are bundled into light, penetrate the uppermost layers of the skin and inflict tiny points of injury in the depths of the skin. The surrounding, uninjured tissue is stimulated to produce new cells and thus new collagen. Since the skin only has this ability in the deep layers, the depth of penetration is essential for the success of the treatment.

At YUVELL®, we use the Fraxel®-Dual-Laser, which combines two different wavelengths: the thulium laser is effective against pigmentation disorders and large pores while the erbium glass laser provides intense skin rejuvenation and can be used to treat deep wrinkles and scars. Due to the high depth of penetration, the Fraxel®-Dual-Laser is gentle on the epidermis, making complications very rare.

auf Fillerbehandlungen
Schönen Valentinstag!

*gilt für alle Behandlungen die zwischen dem 14.02.2024 und dem 31.03.2024 gebucht werden


auf die gesamte Hautpflege

*gültig bis 31.12.2023


auf ALLE Behandlungen - Black Friday Aktion


auf eine THERMAGE Behandlung
Sie sparen 682€
gültig auf Buchungen bis Ende Oktober



1 Region Filler +
1 Region BTX

500,- statt 795,-



Kryolipolyse +
Fettwegspritze +

500,- statt 790,-

Bei einer Online Buchung bitte den Code ‘BARBIE’ angeben
*Aktion buchbar bis 31. August 2023.
Happy Mother’s Day
– €100
Auf die zweite Botulinumtoxin Region

Nicht auf bereits gebuchte BTX Termine anwendbar. Nicht mit anderen Angeboten kombinierbar. Keine Barablöse. Gutscheincode gültig bis zum 16.05.2023. Geben Sie bei Ihrer Buchung Bitte den CODE: BTX100 an (bei Onlinebuchungen einfach im Kommentarfeld).

Die im Aktionszeitraum von 15.-16.5.2023 gebuchte Behandlung muss bis spätestens 31. August 2023 erfolgen, damit der Rabatt gültig ist.