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Triple Therapie new

Treatment areas

About Triple Therapy

Triple therapy is a new, non-surgical therapeutical procedure During the procedure, fatty areas of the body are treated with cold, small injections and shock wave therapy. The treatment focuses on the destruction and breakdown of fat cells and on the tightening and blood circulation of the tissue.

Triple Therapy is ideal for patients who, despite a healthy diet and regular exercise, have some stubborn areas of the body with fat deposits. The appearance and persistence of these fat cells are caused by genetic factors or related to the nature of their fat cells. In these cases, it is most often not possible to eliminate the fat deposits in a natural way.

Unlike diets, which shrink fat cells, our treatment permanently reduces them.

Book an appointment online now

Key Facts:


The full effect of the treatment kicks in after about three months


The treatment can be performed several times, depending on the needs and wants of the patient. However, patients should take at least twelve-week breaks in between treatments.


120 minutes


from 790 to 990 EUR

Your advantages

No downtime

The treatment is almost painless

No scars

Versatile applications

Post-Treatment Instructions

There is no downtime after the treatment. The patient can leave the institute immediately after treatment.

  • No skin-irritating creams such as acne ointments or fruit acid creams in the first 3 days after treatment or until any accompanying symptoms (ie. redness, swelling) have subsided.
  • No physical activity and/or sauna on the day of treatment
  • No solarium in the following weeks
  • Consistent, daily sun protection with SPF 50+


One region 790 EUR
Two regions 990 EUR

Valid as of January 2021.
Subject to change.
All prices are subject to typographical and printing errors.

Good to know

The first step of the treatment is icing of the areas in need of treatment. This is done with the help of an applicator. Fat cells are dissolved by the cold. With the help of the injection of the body’s own bile acid, which is responsible for fat digestion in the stomach, the fat cells dissolved by the cold are broken down. This results in a tightening of the skin.

The cold numbs the areas being treated, so the treatment incurs little to no pain. The final part of the treatment is distributing the active ingredient in the tissue. For this, shock waves are used to break down fat cells and promote blood flow. This final step also stimulates the formation of collagen fibers and makes your skin more elastic.

auf Fillerbehandlungen
Schönen Valentinstag!

*gilt für alle Behandlungen die zwischen dem 14.02.2024 und dem 31.03.2024 gebucht werden


auf die gesamte Hautpflege

*gültig bis 31.12.2023


auf ALLE Behandlungen - Black Friday Aktion


auf eine THERMAGE Behandlung
Sie sparen 682€
gültig auf Buchungen bis Ende Oktober



1 Region Filler +
1 Region BTX

500,- statt 795,-



Kryolipolyse +
Fettwegspritze +

500,- statt 790,-

Bei einer Online Buchung bitte den Code ‘BARBIE’ angeben
*Aktion buchbar bis 31. August 2023.
Happy Mother’s Day
– €100
Auf die zweite Botulinumtoxin Region

Nicht auf bereits gebuchte BTX Termine anwendbar. Nicht mit anderen Angeboten kombinierbar. Keine Barablöse. Gutscheincode gültig bis zum 16.05.2023. Geben Sie bei Ihrer Buchung Bitte den CODE: BTX100 an (bei Onlinebuchungen einfach im Kommentarfeld).

Die im Aktionszeitraum von 15.-16.5.2023 gebuchte Behandlung muss bis spätestens 31. August 2023 erfolgen, damit der Rabatt gültig ist.